The confidence of Slovaks in the ability of schools to prepare young people for life and the future has declined, according to the results of a survey by the Environmental and Ethical Education Centre ...
I expected another minister of the current government to resign, not Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD), President Peter Pellegrini stated on TA3's discussion programme on Sunday, adding that ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) at the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the Dukla Pass battle highlighted the importance of the Carpathian-Dukla operation 80 years ago, which helped the ...
Coffee consumption in Slovakia grew by over 22 percent year-on-year (y-o-y) to 3.3 kilograms (kg) per capita in 2023, with Slovaks drinking one cup of coffee per day on average, according to data on ...
Speaking on STVR's discussion programme 'O 5 minut 12' (Five Minutes to Twelve) on Sunday, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) stated that the coalition and the opposition should seek a common path ...
It is our duty to commemorate the hardest fought military victory in our modern history and the bloodiest battle on the territory of Slovakia, Parliamentary Vice-Chair Peter Ziga (Voice-SD), who has ...
The Carpathian-Dukla Operation is an example of unbending national pride and determination in the fight against Nazi oppression, President Peter Pellegrini said in his speech on the 80th anniversary ...
Copyright © TASR 2024. Publikovanie alebo ďalšie šírenie obsahu správ zo zdrojov TASR je bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu TASR výslovne zakázané. Dizajn a programovanie realizovala spoločnosť ...
President Peter Pellegrini received on Saturday his first foreign visit at his office in Banska Bystrica, namely Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ...
Since the National Criminal Agency (NAKA) was scrapped the police have been left in a less efficient state, as the ratio between managers-regular officers has become higher than before, the Let's Stop ...
The construction of a Chinese battery plant in Surany (Nitra region) by Gotion InoBat Batteries may threaten the automotive industry in Slovakia, the opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) stated on ...
A man who allegedly approved of the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) on a social networking site has been taken into custody, TASR was told by spokeswoman for the ...